Government of India AI ChatTool: Desi Artificial Intelligence Tool Rajeev Chandrasekhar Has Announced That the Indian Government Would Soon Have Its Own AI Chat Tool

Government of India AI ChatTool: Though it is not now practicable, India will soon have access to formal AI tools. Soon, India will likewise own a proprietary AI tool.

Government of India AI ChatTool
Government of India AI ChatTool

Government of India AI ChatTool

Today, artificial intelligence (AI) tools are employed in every industry; yet, India lags far behind in terms of AI tool use. While India now lacks an official AI tool, this will change in the near future. Soon, India will also own its own AI tool.

Union Minister Rajiv Chandrashekhar Said in a Statement

We want to create our own models with an Indian basis. OpenAI and ChatGPIT are hot topics right now. As a consequence of India’s AI goal, we anticipate having autonomous AI models that are created and produced in India using our own languages and data sets.

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