Parrot Fever in Europe: 5 fatalities to fear… What is Parrot Fever And How Dangerous is it? It Caused Havoc in Europe

Parrot Fever in Europe: In Europe, parrot sickness has claimed 5 lives. The majority of cases, according to the World Health Organization, have been from infected house birds. Learn about the symptoms, causes, and dangers of parrot fever.

Parrot Fever in Europe
Parrot Fever in Europe

Parrot Fever in Europe

Parrot fever deaths in Europe have caused fear. 5 individuals have died as a result of this up to this point, but the number of instances has grown, raising anxiety. This has also been validated by the World Health Organization. Psittacosis, another name for parrot sickness, is a serious illness that has afflicted many Europeans. It began here in 2023. Five individuals have died as a result of the sickness, which has spread to a large number of others.

14 instances were documented in Germany and 14 in Austria last year, according to a CNN report. In March of this year, four instances were reported in Austria. Up until February of this year, Denmark had 23 verified cases. In the Netherlands, there have also been 21 instances documented. Learn about the symptoms, causes, and dangers of parrot fever.

How Does Parrot Fever Spread and what is it?

The Chlamydia family of bacteria is the source of parrot fever, a bacterial illness. Birds carry this bacterium, which may infect people as well as a variety of birds, including parrots. That the illness has no outward signs in the afflicted bird makes it unique.

A person may get the sickness by coming into touch with an infected bird or its excrement, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The virus might potentially spread even in the presence of people at the site where sick birds exhale. Eating a bird that has the illness, however, does not transmit it.

Despite research indicating a low incidence of cases, the FDA maintains that the illness may transmit from person to person. The majority of infections, according to the World Health Organization, have been found in domesticated birds.

With Whom is More Risk?

Because it is a zoonotic illness, people may get it after first contracting it from birds. According to experts, birds’ feathers may also transmit this illness. As a result, one must use caution. The persons most at risk of contracting this illness are those who work with or own birds. In addition, workers handling chickens, professionals with animals, and gardeners are also more vulnerable.

Symptoms of The Illness, How Lethal is This Fever?

Symptoms usually manifest 5 to 14 days after the infection of parrot fever. Infection results in a wide range of symptoms. include chills, fever, dry cough, headache, and muscular aches. Drugs called antibiotics are used to treat this illness. Still, fatalities are not common.

How Can This Fever Be Avoided?

According to the World Health Organization, it is necessary to regularly track new instances of the virus in the nations where it is spreading. WHO is warning those who own birds in these nations. It is their responsibility to maintain cleanliness. Only hygienic cages should be used by those who have maintained birds. Refrain from storing them in busy areas.

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