Kalki Avatar Story: In Kaliyuga, when and where will Lord Kalki be born? Understand the reason for Lord Vishnu’s 10th incarnation

Kalki Avatar Story: Hindu sacred texts state that Lord Vishnu is believed to have had 10 incarnations, of which nine have already occurred and the tenth is still to occur. The tenth incarnation, Lord Kalki, will arrive at the end of Kaliyuga and defeat the bad ones on white horses.

Kalki Avatar Story

Kalki Avatar Story

Today, Shri Kalki Dham Temple in Sambhal district, Uttar Pradesh, will have its foundation stone laid by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It is believed that Lord Kalki is Lord Vishnu’s eleventh incarnation. There are 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu, according to Hindu holy texts, of which nine have already occurred and the tenth is still to occur. At the conclusion of Kaliyuga, the tenth incarnation, Lord Kalki, will ride into the world and destroy the bad ones on white horses. Thus, Lord Vishnu’s Kalki avatar will mark the end of Kaliyuga. Tell us when and in what form Lord Vishnu would take on the avatar of Kalki in such a scenario.

Shall Be Born Here

The Puranic narrative states that on the fifth day of Shukla Paksha in Sawan month, Lord Kalki would be born into the Vishnuyasha family, a Brahmin family of Sambhal. It would be Lord Vishnu’s devotee who would father Lord Kalki. In addition, he would be versed in the Vedas and Puranic literature. By killing the sinners on a white horse, Lord Kalki will once again defend religion.

Legend has it that the incarnation of Lord Kalki would mark the start of Satyayuga and the end of Kaliyuga? In 3102 BC, Kaliyuga began, and its first phase is still ongoing today. With 5126 years of Kaliyuga having already gone and 426875 years remaining, it is estimated that Kaliyuga will endure for 4 lakh 32 thousand years. Accordingly, Lord Vishnu’s Kalki avatar is still around 426875 years away.

Why Did Lord Kalki Take in Human Form?

It is believed that because the time of Kaliyuga progresses, there may be a growth in the wide variety of atrocities and sins that occur on earth; the values that people maintain will lower; disciples will now not comply with the lessons of the Guru; there might be an increase in the range of murders and robberies; and the regulations of faith will come to an end. After this, Lord Kalki will incarnate with a purpose to get rid of unrighteousness and restore righteousness.

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