Uttarakhand Haldwani Violence: Following Four Fatalities In Rioting Over The Demolition Of a Mosque, Uttarakhand Haldwani Is On Alert

Uttarakhand Haldwani Violence: In a state in northern India, officials destroyed a mosque on the grounds that it was built illegally, resulting in at least four fatalities from gunfire.

Uttarakhand Haldwani Violence

Uttarakhand Haldwani Violence

In the town of Haldwani, Uttarakhand, there was violence during what the police describe as a “anti-encroachment drive”.

According to the authorities, the operation was started to remove unauthorised buildings, such as the mosque and the nearby madrassa (religious school).

However, Muslims who attended the mosque to worship claim they have been unjustly singled out.

The skirmishes that started on Thursday night resulted in hundreds of injuries for both police officers and demonstrators.

Videos showed demonstrators throwing stones and setting cars on fire as the police attacked them with tear gas.

To get things under control, the state has given “shoot at sight” orders in addition to imposing a curfew.

The Event Occurred In Haldwani’s Banbhoolpura Locality

The event happened in Haldwani’s Banbhoolpura neighbourhood. In January of last year, the area saw large-scale demonstrations in response to the serving of eviction notices to over 50,000 individuals, the most of whom were Muslims, on the grounds that they were residing on Indian Railways property unlawfully. The Indian Supreme Court subsequently decided to halt the demolitions.

The most recent effort, according to officials, was motivated by a high court judgement requesting that the area’s unlawful colonies be removed.

The madrassa and the mosque were razed, according to District Magistrate Vandana Singh, since they were not recognised as religious buildings and were constructed unlawfully on government property.

“There was no specific community in mind for the effort. It started off quietly but shortly after a crowd assaulted officials, there was violence,” Ms. Singh said. She further mentioned that authorities had previously informed the mosque’s management that the mosque will be demolished.

Locals dispute this, claiming that the mosque was destroyed before the court could provide a verdict on the matter.

Demolished Mosque And Displaced Orphans In India

Ahead of the general elections that are scheduled for two months, Muslim organisations claim that they are being unjustly singled out by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist administration and charge it of inciting religious conflict. The accusation is refuted by the government.

Haldwani’s situation remained tight on Friday when officials cut down internet access and mandated a total lockdown.

Banbhoolpura schools will be closed for the next several days, and hundreds of police officers have been sent in to keep an eye on the situation.

Days have passed since Uttarakhand adopted the Uniform Civil Code (UCC), a new common law that applies to all citizens, irrespective of their sexual orientation, gender, or religion.

In India, several religious communities have their own set of personal laws that address matters such as inheritance, divorce, and marriage.

The UCC was rejected by Muslims in Uttarakhand, who said it interfered with their Islamic customs.

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