How To Make Holi Colors At Home: Get Your Skin Ready For Holi With Natural Colors Now To Avoid Any Harm

How To Make Holi Colors At Home: Though the artificial colors available in stores cause skin irritation, Holi is a day to be completely covered in color. Please share with us the natural components you use to make skin-friendly colors at home.

How To Make Holi Colors At Home
How To Make Holi Colors At Home

How To Make Holi Colors At Home

A few days before Holi, the enthusiasm begins to build, and colors can be seen everywhere. March 25, 2024, is the Monday on which Holi is observed this year. This is one scenario where you may easily and affordably prepare natural colors at home right now. It’s true that many of the colors sold in stores include chemicals that are very harmful to skin, sometimes ruining the festive spirit of Holi. Due to the natural materials they are comprised of, homemade cosmetics are not only simple to remove from the skin but also healthy for it.

Playing with colors during Holi is fun, but many worry about how to clean their darkly colored faces since commercially available paints include dangerous substances like copper sulfate, glass powder, and motor oil. Yes, these chemicals are very dangerous to your health in addition to ruining your face. So tell us how to create colors at home with organic materials.

Make Gulal Out Of Sandalwood And Roses

A fine powder made from dried fresh rose petals may be added to sandalwood powder, a few drops of essential oil, and properly mixed if you want to produce fragrant and natural gulal at home. Your aromatic gulal will be prepared in this manner.

Use Veggies To Make Color

To produce red color, crush red rose, beetroot, and red hibiscus; knot all of these in a fine cotton fabric; place in water; boil until a nice color begins to show in the water. Now that the bundle is out of the way, squeeze it into the color to get your color ready. You have the option to boil everything in water right away.

Use Tesu or Palash Flowers To Make Color

Since ancient times, Tesu or Palash flowers have been used to create natural colors for the Holi celebration. This is accomplished by immersing Tesu flowers in water several days before to Holi and boiling them in water to produce the color. For aroma, try using rose water or perfume. Barsana and Vrindavan also make colors for Holi using Tesu flowers.

These Items You Might Have At Home Can Be Used To Make Natural Color

Turmeric and gram flour, for example, are readily accessible in any household. To make this, first thoroughly ground the gram flour in a mixer, and then add a little bit of turmeric to the mixture. If you have marigold flowers around the home, pat them dry, then make a fine powder and stir it into the color to create a skin-friendly hue.

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